Dedicated Leader
Aaron Young
Aaron has been in the PNW roofing industry for over 20 years. Working together with countless installers, distributors and manufacturers, he managed a highly successful roofing distribution branch in Skagit County before teaming up to form Peaks Northwest Roofing. His passion for the industry, product knowledge, leadership, and dedication to service have cemented him in the roofing community.

Visionary Craftsman
Jason Thompson
Jason is one of the most well known roofers in the Pacific Northwest. He leads with over 35 years of roofing experience and has had his work featured in national magazines. Before teaming up to form Peaks Northwest Roofing, he owned and operated his own successful roofing company for 17 years. Jason’s positive leadership, eye for quality, care for his employees and unmatched work ethic ensure that every job exceeds expectations.